Sunday, April 25, 2010

The lout's lay

the day was young and the night was gone
sleep lingered in the way
grim risk spun and things undone
'neath the sun was made the hay
she woke up hot and she sought
something for her disarray
with scalded throat she searched a lot
but no fun came her way
she clambered out in a bout
of craving and dismay
seeing her pout some roadside lout
thought of making his day
her he stalked as she walked
along a rusty way
her way he blocked and with her he talked
and to him did she say
"i need some stock my throat does lock
half my words away
for i am stuck without any luck
early in the day
deep in her heart she knew from the start
the man was sticky as clay
so in her head a decision spread
him she decided to lay
in the heat on his motor seat
with him she rode away
her heart was abeat with a throb till her feet
and this she heard him say
"just down hill is a little rill
where people go astray
and i ask you jill if you will
with me one night stay
to quench her greed she agreed
for the nightly lay
for without the deed she'd almost bleed
or her hair would just turn grey
there down south at the river's mouth
where many a wolf did bay
people uncouth and no phone booth
and no running away
cold with fear but her want still dear
to him did she say
"so far here with the smell of beer
forever you tempt me to stay
he gave her a stare that laid bare
that he'd got his way
and with care they were in sweat and hair
on the bed asplay
with some wine he explored her mine
locked in passionate foreplay
in some time for much reasin and rhyme
there was some canine display
they were mid-action in a fraction
of the sordid day
but turning around she moaned a sound
like a donkey's bray
to the poor lout it was a clout
that retreated his snake that day
when again he came out he was sure and stout
that she had turned him gay

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I slip, I fall, I bruise, I look up and I rise...........then I let my legs move.......they carry me away.