Thursday, April 29, 2010

the fish, the bull and the devastation

cripples in crumples in dapples of noonlight,
untied and untried like a new bride in moonlight,
to beat with the heat without retreat, for long,
a sharp axe, a climax, when the wood cracks, in a song,
peckers with backbreakers, mow with rakers the soft grass,
till all's over, under the cover, and smiles sober. glass,
with a glisten, tinkles so we listen. when we are risen, with time,
broken walled, and dissolved, dearly involved in the crime.
eyes gazed, and heads dazed, but spirits unphased, clambering
somewhere along, the girating song, too long, hurrying,
back there, that spot where we were, in the clouded layers, sprung,
a passion strange, an heady exchange, within the range that had begun.
limits though touched, were sadly unreached, as faces bleached in sweat,
a strong old bull, though met with a pull, kept his rule, all wet,
over the current, where the fish is sent, all spent up the vent,
All hail, the gush and the gale, for all creatures wail, all spent.

Monday, April 26, 2010

dylan on the breeze

as i gazed, among the mossy scent at those gentle tips of grass, that like the poor, for whom sleep is the only luxury, slept in the damp dawn, the carpet of the lake, the rejoicing water woke from the blackness it had snatched from the seductress Nocturne. it waved to the hiding sun, flashing smiles all around. the trees shook the breeze of it sinuous back; and the breeze in turn unfurled its wings and whipped at faces upturned. the water ducks shook awake the water that still pretended to sleep by shivering its calling wings at it and dipping down to peck at the water's cheek. like crumpled and puckered satin the water lay resting, alive with silvered fish and snakes, that grumbled foodlessly at the ripples overhead. two giants floated amid the windy waters. only their lush green heads greeting the morning air. the little nooks beneath the shabby trees that branched over the water like a tailor on linen, looked desolate, as if someone used to live there. the matte and velvette gentleness of flowers on skin; a lick from the gardens that grew wild. white branches like splattered milk, with birds cleaning their beaks or having semi-breakfast.

Dylan's ravishing melancholy, sprayed my mind with melodic intoxicants, as the tears befriended the cowering lashes. gazing at the sanctity and worshipping the rage of music that lovingly killed me, i dissolved like the clouds over our heads. at that moment i wanted to drown as i felt that something wanted to embrace me, but it seemed like it didn't have arms.

there he was one day crooning in a voice that held some but not much taste for me; and then it was this morning.....

he said to me that 'one of us must know', and left me searching for the answer. he said 'what did u see my blue eyed son', and i hated my dark ones.

he swooped down from some warring heaven to show me a glimpse of himself...

Now Ophelia, she's 'neath the window
For her I feel so afraid
On her twenty-second birthday
She already is an old maid
To her, death is quite romantic
She wears an iron vest
Her profession's her religion
Her sin is her lifelessness
And though her eyes are fixed upon
Noah's great rainbow
She spends her time peeking
Into Desolation Row."

....but what is a glimpse when i writhe for so much more???

the kid ship

sunrise on belittled countries of far away rockiness
the ethaca of ullyses
the puny vatican
the hardly accounted for reefs

sailing with a mast
blown in a bulge
by the fluid particles of the air avast
that headily collides
with the ship's hides
and has its shadow cast
formless and lacking hues
by earthly ropes
and social glues
and monetary hopes

the ship sails south
towards some river's mouth
that drains us of our soggy filth

it sucks on the seas
and gulps in the breeze
the flighty little tease
bouncing on the watery crease

men on the dock
reading the planetary clock
the little girl in a frock
and a one legged sock
she with her brownie locks
members of the crew she stalks
her faint brows she cocks
in curiosity

the ship knows the way
among the bergs of ice
and the polar bears
obedient to the captain's say
which for the crew does suffice
as healthy scares
to the grainy coasts
he points his handy toes
gripping hungry egg and toasts
he smites his rocky foes

then deep in the dark
visionless night
where the stars do spark
and the moon is bright
the shiply form
lingers still
until it is eaten
in the gaping yawn
as a nocturnal kill

relics of my past

These my paintings in ink and brush.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Sea Kiss

the blue sea and a red sky
an interlink of colours
hues of purple and tints of pink
licking at the shore
in a night so wild
so unbelievably tame
so grimly unsafe
and so unsettlingly free

dripping chains from bamboo canes
clutched in fervent hands
rocking to and rocking fro
on salty sands
intoxicants and faith
two young rumpled heads
eager lips and eager us
inclined on grassy beds

young girl shoulders
grazed with fingers
of an obliger
a monopoliser
he lent his lips
and he lent his kiss
he also lent his hands
to uncharted lands
beneath the palms
in a static stance
strangers interlock
the rumbling sea
gives privacy
by receding from the dock

he shrugged free
and unbended to his feet
reaching down
he made her frown
by ripping away her seat

smiled the imp
like a pimp
fading as does foam
said 'go home'

Old eyes ashine

Breath in the days,
When the night shrouds the sun,
Woken by none,
But a dazzling light.
How the moon sways,
When the rhythms of the dark,
On journeys, do embark,
Clouding human sight.
Whimpers of weary men,
Who shiver in the cold,
Wretchedly old,
Spread like fog upon the wave.
They dream of the glen,
Their haven of pleasure,
Memories they treasure,
That once their lives gave.
Nothing lasts forever,
Or so they always say,
But I ask who are they,
In unkind amusements,
Do hurt the dying river,
Do pain the melting snow,
And winds that cease to blow,
To tear their hearts in rents?
While the misty mornings,
May bloom into the day,
Smiling along its way,
To warm our cold hands,
Our spirits soar yearning,
And reaching out high,
Deep into the sky,
As we sink beneath the sands.

The setting sun

Glimmers in afternoons where I stand,
looking beyond the bars of my balcony,
waiting for the sun to come down lower over the sky
so that my eyes can meet its eyes.
I dream in silence as I await its descent from its harsher heights.
I dream of victories of men over the millions of years.
I dream of conquests of countries and of lives.
I dream of the love lost and found, of youth and the old age.
My dreams travell over strange territories guarded by the Jacks in armours.
Some territories seem wild while others look civilised.
Savages and men flit close by me in my dream.
I dream of land haunted by the nightingales and the stars,
by the rose and its thorn.
It is of land sprawling over the seas,yawning around the globe.
It is of those little fish which breath out bubbles,
while talking to the water and the corals.
I dream of that peepal tree
that looks like its hoarded by fluttering butterflies
when it tries to wave its leaves to the setting sun.
I turn to the sun;the setting sun
that I was waiting for to step down before my eyes.
I looked at the sun,orange and yellow, smiling.
It looked like vermilion on a bride's forehead, burning.
I looked at the peepal tree as it watched the sun cheerily.
It struck me then; what a bond it was that I was witnessing;
the bond of the sun and the tree.

The lout's lay

the day was young and the night was gone
sleep lingered in the way
grim risk spun and things undone
'neath the sun was made the hay
she woke up hot and she sought
something for her disarray
with scalded throat she searched a lot
but no fun came her way
she clambered out in a bout
of craving and dismay
seeing her pout some roadside lout
thought of making his day
her he stalked as she walked
along a rusty way
her way he blocked and with her he talked
and to him did she say
"i need some stock my throat does lock
half my words away
for i am stuck without any luck
early in the day
deep in her heart she knew from the start
the man was sticky as clay
so in her head a decision spread
him she decided to lay
in the heat on his motor seat
with him she rode away
her heart was abeat with a throb till her feet
and this she heard him say
"just down hill is a little rill
where people go astray
and i ask you jill if you will
with me one night stay
to quench her greed she agreed
for the nightly lay
for without the deed she'd almost bleed
or her hair would just turn grey
there down south at the river's mouth
where many a wolf did bay
people uncouth and no phone booth
and no running away
cold with fear but her want still dear
to him did she say
"so far here with the smell of beer
forever you tempt me to stay
he gave her a stare that laid bare
that he'd got his way
and with care they were in sweat and hair
on the bed asplay
with some wine he explored her mine
locked in passionate foreplay
in some time for much reasin and rhyme
there was some canine display
they were mid-action in a fraction
of the sordid day
but turning around she moaned a sound
like a donkey's bray
to the poor lout it was a clout
that retreated his snake that day
when again he came out he was sure and stout
that she had turned him gay

Death of Hayden

flows of venom
sprightly and clean
horse-rode his vein in glory.
that fated spear-tip;
the foe of life
wrote itself in history.
dreams displayed
their fragility
and hope galloped to the sunset.
his sweetheart moaned
in solitude
her tears dropped in her basket.
her floaty skirts,
her bouqueted grace
her golden pearly hair.
her eyes asparkle;
the blue of her face
a drenched, sorrowful affair
her buttery hands
clutched at his soul,
crying at fateful poison's victory.
his crusted blood clung
wistfully to her;
her heart adew and wintry.

a few years thence,
in the crispy fall,
stood the armoured maiden.
by a fettered fence
was a stallion
headed by the mark of Hayden.
the sweetheart sung
the lyrical war
and twice rode the mask of Hayden.
fall did her kingdom
akin humility
ravished by merciless men.
the tumble however
she greeted overjoyed
as she charred among the ashes.
with her name afame
she flew to him
to serve his draining gashes.


I slip, I fall, I bruise, I look up and I rise...........then I let my legs move.......they carry me away.