Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tiny details here and there

Zeroing in on the little details of life, I find silent words, sounds, music, scenes, colours, scents and dreams that go largely unnoticed; ignored into oblivion. I have the choice of either noticing them or leaving them virgin and unexplored. I choose to wander into these slight territories of secrecy.

Images spark and I see their intricate woodworks chiseled delicately into their place. The beauty of anything beautiful ever seen is that it is studded with tender details like, the sheen on a statue, the glitter on a diamond and the fire in sunshine.

I can recall once having absorbed a particularly cherished detail. While inhaling the sweetness of a flower; I forget which; I happened to accidentally notice a tiny droplet of nectar clinging to the base of the flower. I happily licked it and tasted it on a minute area on my tongue. It still had flavour; in spite of the minuscule amount.

Some of the things that we leave behind are just some stone unturned. Something missed due to carelessness or hurry. Pity plays its naughty game on me when I find people missing the intricacies in life. How these individuals do in life without the small flourish of detail, I fail to comprehend.

Something tells me, however, that the ones who are meant to see, do see and enjoy. Their pores are receptive to the most undetectable of all sensations. They detect the most hidden of all visions, melodies, fragrances, tastes and touches. They feel the touch of heaven in bright snow. They feel the peace in the notes of a violin. Most of all, however, they feel themselves particle by particle and, thus are in completely harmony with themselves. J

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I slip, I fall, I bruise, I look up and I rise...........then I let my legs move.......they carry me away.